The Dark Eye - Deluxe Character Sheets
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Deluxe Character Sheets The lives of Aventurian heroes could fill entire books. Adventurers are defined by their legendary deeds¸ impressive skills¸ trusted equipment¸ wondrous treasures¸ cherished friends¸ and bitter enemies. The Deluxe Character Sheet for Blessed Spellcasters lets you keep track of all these and more! Attractive¸ double-sided character sheets place all your character's skills¸ spells¸ rituals¸ liturgical chants¸ ceremonies¸ advantages¸ disadvantages¸ special abilities¸ weapons¸ equipment¸ and stats for animal companions at your fingertips. Additional space gives you room to record your character's background¸ heroic achievements¸ and chosen focus rules. This package also features a comprehensive summary of skill use¸ combat¸ magic¸ works of the gods¸ and detailed rules¸ for ease of reference du ring play. Adventure awaits!