Monte Cooks Arcana Unearthed: Way of the Staff (d20)
Monte Cook's Arcana Unearthed is a variant players handbook containing new character classes¸ races¸ spells¸ feats¸ plus alternate rule systems for spellcasting and other game functions. This volume¸ Way of the Staff¸ collects all the spellcasting races¸ classes¸ and feats from that book. Use these options to enhance your own d20 System games. You can use everything in this book alongside the 3rd Edition or revised 3rd Edition Players Handbook¸ if you wish.
"Loresongs¸ sprytes¸ mojh¸ and verrik. Akashics¸ greenbonds¸ magisters¸ runethanes¸ and witches. These are the followers of the Way of the Staff.