Mega-Feats: New Paths to Victory (d20)
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Chris Field¸ the author of many of our popular Dept. 7 Advanced class Updates¸ has written more than 120 Feats as part of the Mega Feats - New Paths to Victory collection. Included in this fifty page PDF are: -127 New Feats.* -27 ForgeBlood Feats¸ allowing you to meld flesh and machine in a fantasy setting! -House Rules¸ Published at Last! A collection of House Rules and updates tweaking the D20 SRD for Chris Field's campaing setting Aldura. -A FREE copy of the OGL included with every purchase! ;-) From the Author: Many of the feats presented here were initially designed for use in a homebrewed campaign world called Aldura. Aldura is a high tech action adventure¸ inspired heavily by 80s action cartoons¸ but the new feats presented here may be used in any high power¸ techno-fantasy campaign with little or no modification. Other rules are variant house rules I've used to good effect in my home campaigns¸ solving many problems and minor annoyances with the current D20 Fantasy SRD. The variant item creation feats would be a good fit for Ebberon adventurers¸ while high level fighters¸ druids¸ bards and barbarians will thrill to unique new abilities like Pocket Battlespace¸ Raging Colossus and Breeder. Many of the higher-end feats presented here require an action point expenditure to use¸ and might require a bit of modification if your home campaign doesn't use action points. Adding an additional feat prerequisite¸ or requiring additional skill ranks go a long way to balancing these 'superheroic' feats without requiring a limited resource like action points for game balance. The majority of the feats here were designed to provide better¸ more entertaining options for mid and high level players. Inspired by videogames¸ movies and everything from Greek mythology to Jack Kirby comics¸ these feats are designed to give every D&D character class and archetype some neat new tricks to bring to next weeks game. *OK¸ sixteen of them are variant PHP feats¸ so sue me. ;-) ; More Products from Skortched Urf' Studios...