Castle Oldskull: Monsters & Treasures Level 1 (d20)
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AND SO YOU DARE to open the dungeon door¸ delving deeper into the upper ruins of nefarious Castle Oldskull. The door opens with a groan¸ puffing moldy spores into the air. Some evil creature cackles in the dark. You grip your sword¸ thrust your torch into the murky shadows¸ and...
What do you find? Snarling orcs? Skulking goblins who worship the fire demon who reigns in the Abyss? Dark elves wielding mithril blades¸ or a coven of scaly Deep Ones?
Perhaps you are more fortunate. There are wary gnomes to parley with¸ and halfling burglars¸ dwarven rune priests¸ and the serene and vigilant elven guardians. Or perhaps you are cursed¸ and therein shall arise the loathsome shrieking fungi¸ or a swarm of venomous centipedes...
This book has all the answers you require for your dungeon stocking needs. Do you need help filling your enormous mega-dungeon with an endlessly challenging array of monsters and treasures? This supplement is the first book in a new series of old school Fantasy Role-Playing Game (FRPG) books¸ specifically designed to assist the Game Master with rapid dungeon stocking. This book includes 1¸000 different monsters and 1¸000 different treasures¸ with additional sub-systems for NPC party generation¸ treasure details¸ treasure hoard size calculation and more.
Stocking a mega-dungeon becomes easy with this classic assortment¸ providing a near-infinite set of rapid results in accordance with old school systems. You can stock a 100-room ruin or dungeon level in under an hour with this book alone. This supplement is specifically focused on detailing the upper ruins (the ruined castle beneath which all of the mega-dungeon levels are waiting to be discovered)¸ but can also be used to generate challenges for a level 1 adventuring party in any other game environment.
This book is a stand-alone product for both basic and advanced pen-and-paper (PNP) game systems. It is best used¸ however¸ in conjunction with Castle Oldskull supplements such as The Classic Dungeon Design Guide or your favorite PNP FRPG.
The MEGA-DUNGEON MONSTERS & TREASURE assortment is brought to you by Kent David Kelly of Wonderland Imprints¸ a role-player and Game Master with over 35 years of play experience. Best of all¸ if there are any other materials you would like to see relating to dungeon design¸ feel free to contact the author. Many more CASTLE OLDSKULL supplements are being prepared specifically to support the players¸ initiates and Game Masters of the Old School Revival (OSR). This Guide is your gateway to the realms of sword and sorcery. Join us for the adventure!
(A complete reference work designed to supplement existing pen-and-paper Fantasy Role-Playing Games. Just one of the proud creations available now from Wonderland Imprints - Only the Finest Works of Fantasy.)
Cover artwork copyright © Rick Hershey / Fat Goblin Games¸ used under license.