100 Pulp Mythos Characters 2
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Sometimes you need to create a character "on the fly". Whether it's an NPC that your players are about to meet or to help you create scenarios¸ all you need is a spark of lightning to stimulate your imagination.
100 Pulp Mythos Characters vol.2 is a generic companion volume to roleplaying games with a modern/1920 background (Call of Cthulhu¸ Kids on bikes...). Characters described in this book have detailed statistics described in percentages¸ largely compatible with Call of Chtululu v7¸ as well as 1920 occupations and character traits. With the information provided¸ you can use these characters as they are¸ or use them as a solid basis for building more advanced characters.
Example of outcome:
28. SARA MCALPINE (26)¸ Bounty Hunter
Goal:Freedom Traits:Short-tempered
STR:40 CON:50 SIZ:75 DEX:65 APP:55 EDU:50 INT:50 POW:80 LUK:70
HP:13 SAN:80 MP:12 DODGE:33 MOV:7 Credit Rating:18
Competences: Drive Auto:60 Handiwork:41 Firearms (Handgun):60 Fast Talk:45 Law:45 Psychology:50 Stealth:60 Track:50
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