Eastern Seaboard
Ever wonder what your city would be like as a Ward? Now you can find out! This second supplement to the Asylum RPG details the six East Coast Wards¸ which are built on the ruins of former cities: Montreal¸ Boston¸ New York¸ Washington¸ D. C.¸ Atlanta¸ and Miami. Each Ward section details that location¸ complete with a map¸ a description the major buildings and forces¸ a list of local rumors¸ and an adventure geared specifically towards that setting. The insanity is coming to your city! *Carefully created¸ scientifically-accurate future society *Each Ward section is written by a native of that area¸ to allow for more accuracy. *Well-suited to a wide variety of game objectives and styles *Provides insight into the nature of mental illness *Asylum already has a fan base¸ which has been awaiting this product. *Can be used to provide settings for any near-future post-apocalyptic game.