CALLING ALL X-PLORERS: The Universe is a big place with big problems - that's where you come in! Put on your space suit¸ charge your ray gun¸ and flip ignition on an outer-space adventure! This Quick Start introduction to X-plorers explains the basic rules and includes six pregenerated characters so you can begin playing the included adventure immediately! In X-plorers¸ you're part of a group of galactic troubleshooters on the look out for the next job - whether it be salvage¸ search¸ or rescue on an alien world. Players: Explore¸ defend¸ and save the galaxy! Be a SCIENTIST: Unravel the mysteries of a new alien race! Be a SOLDIER: Take aim and defend against enemy invaders! Be a TECHNICIAN: Pilot a spaceship through imminent danger! Be a SCOUT: Foil the overlord's plans using espionage!