WILD TALENTS: Superhero Roleplaying is a World Gone Mad

A gritty superhero roleplaying game¸ the sequel to the previous game Godlike: Superhero Roleplaying in a World on Fire¸ 1936-1946. After the war¸ even more powerful Talents appeared. This is a more general superhero game¸ though tending towards cinematically gritty inspired by comics like ""Top 10"" and ""Watchmen"". The rules use Greg Stolze's ""One-Roll Engine."" Actions are resolved by rolling d10's equal to stat plus skill. The number of matches (i.e. d10's with the same value) indicate speed of success¸ while the number matched indicates quality of success. - A description from https://darkshire.net/jhkim/rpg/encyclopedia/ with kind permission of John H. Kim
WILD TALENTS: Superhero Roleplaying is a World Gone Mad¸ a new game from the creators of GODLIKE¸ is coming this summer from Hobgoblynn Press. When super-human Talents appeared during World War II¸ no one suspected it was only the first faltering steps of the human mind freed from the prison of reality. Now¸ after the war¸ Talents appear who can do the impossible without interference from others of their kind--the age of Wild Talents has arrived!
WILD TALENTS is a complete game onto itself¸ utilizing the innovative GODLIKE rules-set designed by Greg Stolze and the background of the GODLIKE world by Dennis Detwiller¸ but it's much more than a simple campaign background¸ it's a toolkit to build a future in the world of GODLIKE of your own devising.
Master Alternate Historian Kenneth Hite (GURPS Cabal¸ Suppressed Transmissions¸ Decipher's Star Trek Roleplaying Game) guides you through the construction of an alternate future in the world of GODLIKE. Will you lead a Talent coup to seize control of the U.S? Or fight a guerilla war against Reagan's Talent murder squads? Do you want a four-color world where you battle an alien invasion or a cinematic world of espionage and super-assassination attempts? It's up to you--Ken helps you shape any future you can imagine for the GODLIKE universe!
Lavishly illustrated by acclaimed artist Christopher Shy (http://www.studioronin.com/) WILD TALENTS takes you to the brink of what we call reality¸ and beyond
WILD TALENTS does not replace the future of the GODLIKE universe¸ the sequels to GODLIKE--GHOSTS and TEENAGERS+ are still due out next year. WILD TALENTS is simply a tool for you to build your own GODLIKE future.