A post-apocalyptic science fantasy RPG set in 2312 -- 300 years after World War III. The nuclear fires somehow opened up a gateway which allowed the ""Old Gods"" to return and mythic creatures to roam. It uses a variant of theTimelordssystem. - A description from https://darkshire.net/jhkim/rpg/encyclopedia/ with kind permission of John H. KimThree hundred years ago¸ World War III nearly wiped out the human race. The nuclear fires that enveloped the globe did more than just affecct our world. The fiery energies and massive human sacrifice opened the war for something else to enter this plane of existence. The Old Gods are back¸ and this time they're here to stay... WarpWorld opens the gates to a post-holocaust world of amgic and lost technology. A world where gods are real¸ and mythical creatures tread the silent streets of our ruined cities. A world where we can remember what we have lost¸ but not well enough to replace it. A world where those with power bend the forces of nature to their will¸ and those without carry shotguns and swords instead. The year is 2312¸ but no future you ever dreamed of. Prepare to enter the WarpWorld...