Warlords of NUM

Warlords of NUM ("NUM" rhymes with "doom") is based on the classic series of fantasy adventure books by Norman Doyle-Rice. From the first in the series¸ Beast Men of NUM¸ to his last novel (finished after Doyle-Rice"s death by his biographer and close friend¸ September Bereft)¸ Witch Kings of NUM¸ Norman Doyle-Rice entertained and titillated readers with over 100 novels spanning nearly 60 years. We at Black Gate Publishing owe a debt of gratitude to the estate of Norman Doyle-Rice for allowing us to adapt Doyle-Rice"s groundbreaking fantasy fiction to a role-playing game. Authors from Fritz Leiber and Michael Moorcock to Roger Zelazny and Steven Brust (among others) have cited Norman Doyle-Rice as a seminal influence. His impact on the fantasy genre can be seen everywhere today¸ as the themes and issues that were considered taboo and shocking when Doyle-Rice first introduced them in Beast Men of NUM in 1932¸ such as unabashed sexuality¸ dominance and submission¸ and anthopomorphic zoophilia (more commonly called "furry")¸ have become staples of the genre - even the cover illustrations of the NUM novels¸ which were once condemned by moralists as "prurient" and "obscene"¸ are now appreciated as works of art in their own right¸ and the coffee table edition of Biceps and Bosoms: The Art of NUM is in its seventeenth edition¸ and still selling strong. Even beyond the literary field¸ the work of Norman Doyle-Rice has permeated the popular culture. Phrases which first appeared in the NUM novels are now regularly heard in television shows and movies (such as the "I will rape your skull!" threat spoken by Gerard Depardieu to Matthew Broderick in the romantic comedy Addicted to Love)¸ and the titles of Doyle-Rice"s books are frequently found on the Billboard Top 40 as the names of popular bands (the most recent example being the singing group which took its name from the novel Spice Girls of NUM). A special debt of gratitude is due to September Bereft¸ who has provided invaluable assistance in making available to us Norman Doyle-Rice"s original notes and manuscripts for the NUM novels. September has also provided guidance in making the translation from NUM "the novels" to NUM "the role-playing game"¸ and has helped clear up some of the minor inconsistencies that inevitably crept into the world of NUM as the series of novels grew. (For example¸ in War Dancers of NUM¸ it is stated that the Khûl are not sexually compatible with Khitaj¸ yet in Spice Girls of NUM¸ the harem of the spice lord Alessandro Spectre includes not only Khitaj and Zinjan women¸ but a Khûl woman as well. September was very helpful in explaining just how this apparent contradiction could be resolved.) Because there are so many novels in the NUM series¸ and because each introduces such a depth and variety of new characters¸ settings¸ and events¸ we will be approaching the NUM role-playing game from an angle unlike any game published before. Rather than release a single book with the complete game setting (which would require hundreds¸ if not thousands of pages)¸ we will be releasing the core game first (under the title Warlords of NUM¸ which should be available in late 1999)¸ and then we will translate each of Doyle-Rice"s novels into the role-playing game. This will allow us to slowly reveal the world of NUM in an orderly fashion¸ one sourcebook every month or so¸ with each supplement being both reasonably priced and filled with the rich tapestry of detail that so distinguished Norman Doyle-Rice"s work. In the meantime¸ we offer this WWW preview of NUM as a tribute to the genius that was Norman Doyle-Rice. We hope that this role-playing game adaptation pleases the many fans of Norman