A science fantasy role-playing game based on the Warhammer 40¸000 miniatures games¸ set in the 41st millenium where humanity is organized under the Imperium - a reactionary feudal state of millions of worlds¸ whose leader the Emperor is worshipped as a living god. The players are Space Marines¸ member of the militant arm of the Inquisition that opposes alien influences¸ known as Inquisitorial Ordo Xenos. It uses a variant of theWarhammer Fantasy RPGsystem. Character creation has higher attribute values¸ and characters pick one of six chapters of the marines: The Black Templars¸ The Blood Angels¸ the Dark Angels¸ the Space Wolves¸ the Storm Wardens and the Ultramarines. This game adds a mechanic for Demeanors¸ traits that may be invoked once per story to modify a roll. Each PC has one Demeanor from their chapter and one that is personal. - A description fromdarkshire.netwith kind permission of John H. Kim