A German-language universal RPG system. It uses a detailed percentile skill-based system¸ rolling under stat on 1d100 for success -- with grades of success for lower or higher rolls. There are 18 attributes (6 physical¸ 6 mental¸ and 6 perception) rated from 25 to 100 for normal humans. Character creation includes either point-bought or random-roll attributes. Skills are bought using points based on the openly chosen age of the character¸ with increased age balanced by reduction in attributes. It includes a detailed and deadly combat system with short combat rounds of 3 seconds in which combatants get from 0 to 2 actions depending on their reaction rolls and their weapons. It includes a number of settings: Parydia (fantasy)¸ T1111 (fantasy)¸ T-40K (stone age)¸ T2222 (low SF)¸ T3333 (high SF)¸ T50K (dark SF) Worlds are rated with a magical¸ a technical¸ and a political number. Skills and equipment have a technical rating that may not be higher than the number of the setting. - A description fromdarkshire.netwith kind permission of John H. Kim