Ein Martial Arts Rollenspiel als Alternative zu dem nicht mehr produzierten Street Fighter [Peter Hildebrand] A roleplaying game that thoughtfully ports Mortal Kombat- and Street Fighter-style computer games into a quick¸ playable pen & paper format. Players play individual fighters with their own fighting styles and special combat moves. Well-designed and¸ believe it or not¸ quite fun. Recommended. by Ryoga Hibiki Ein Martial Arts Rollenspiel als Alternative zu dem nicht mehr produzierten Street Fighter One of Uncle Bear"s favorite freebies! An RPG in the tradition of video fighting games like Streetfighter. [Thx to]An anime and fighting game martial arts RPG¸ closely based on the Street Fighter Storytelling Game. ~130 pages rules (RTF¸ MS Word¸ ASCII)¸ plus a 60 page sourcebook and 44 page adaptation of Streetfighter.