A Japanese-language science fantasy RPG¸ set on a distant planet in the far future called ""Tenra"". The title is a play on the phrase ""Shinrabansho""¸ which means ""Everything in Earth and Heaven""¸ or ""All of Nature"". Humans were exiled there centuries ago¸ and developed a feudal culture similar to Sengoku era Japan -- though with advanced technology and magic. It includes samurai¸ cyborg footsoldiers¸ taoist demon-summoning wizards¸ medicine men with colonies of useful insects inside their bodies¸ and magically-enhanced mecha powered by innocent children. It uses a d6-based system¸ and includes hero points (""Aiki Chits"") which are earned by good role-playing and spent on improving abilities¸ strengthening Fates¸ or increasing die rolls. - A description from https://darkshire.net/jhkim/rpg/encyclopedia/ with kind permission of John H. KimAlmost a decade ago¸ Japanese artist and game designerJunichi Inouesat down to create what was¸ in his own words¸ a uniquely and unmistakably "Hyper Asian" Japanese world: a world of magic and technology¸ of samurai and Taoist sorcery¸ of powerful mecha and cultured geisha. The world was named Tenra¸ and the game was namedTenra Bansho¸ or "Everything in Heaven and Earth."
With a rulebook dripping cover-to-cover with high-quality anime-style art¸ a setting rich in culture both real and fantastical¸ and a revised and simplified rules system that focused with precision on roleplaying and character drama¸ this game took the Japanese tabletop RPG market by storm and spearheaded both a renaissance and revolution in the Japanese gaming industry.
Years later¸ this unique and revolutionary game has finally been painstakingly translated into English for play in the West!TENRA BANSHO ZEROTenra Bansho Zero is a unique tabletop roleplaying experience¸ and it features the following:PDF OptimizationThis product contains two versions of the game:The original high-quality art-filled¸ full-color setting and rules books¸ together in electronic tablet-optimized US graphic novel size (700 total pages)
A text-only indexed version of all of the content of the setting and rules books at US Letter/A4 size for easy reference and printing (510 total pages; with large font and spacing for readability; effectively 150 pages of text for normal book proportions)
Breathtaking ArtOver 300 unique pieces of art appear throughout; there are 33 full-color manga story pages that introduce players to the world and setting features¸ and ten rules explanations¸ also in manga form¸ assist with fast rules retention. The art is done by the formidable hand of Junichi Inoue¸ the fine brush-work of Hiroyuki Ishida¸ the comical impact of Hayami Rasenjin¸ and more!
With layout for the English edition by industry expert Luke Crane (Mouse Guard RPG¸ Burning Wheel RPG)¸ you've never seen a game like this.Incredible ContentTwo books: A full-colorSettingbook and a black-and-whiteRules and Playbook. The books together boast a page count of almost 700 total pages! The huge amount of art¸ combined with the detailed deep-dive explanations and play advice¸ will give you your money's worth in usable content.Incomparable RichnessA rich Japanese setting involving a planet in a constant state of war¸ where magic fuels technology and the culture is an analogue of the "Warring States" (Sengoku) era of Japan. Mecha¸ sorcery¸ samurai¸ geisha¸ monks¸ cyborgs¸ annelid-users¸ and more make this game a truly unique - and deeply Japanese - experience.Quick to Learn