Teenagers from Outer Space

Welcome to the world of Teenagers From Outer Space: the amazingly weird roleplaying game that lets you become a character in your very own (or even somebody else"s) Japanese Animation Comedy Show! Complete with everything you"ll need to create Silly Superpowers¸ Gonzo Gadgets¸ Bikini Battlesuits¸ Mecha Mayhem¸ Magical Girlfriends and the ever popular sex-changing Boy/Girl Gun¸ this new edition of the original award winning game is guaranteed to change the way you look at anime (and roleplaying) forever! We"re happy to announce that a brand new edition of our classic roleplaying game of adrenal¸ adolescent¸ anime adventure is in the works. Voted Best Roleplaying Game of 1987¸ the new edition of TFOS is out just in time for its 10th anniversary. Don"t miss it!
(Werbetext) Teenagers From Outer Space Tommy Tanaka dove under his desk as the Disco Dwarves From Dimension X teleported with a "pop" into the Homeroom. Zap rays sizzled overhead¸ vaporizing his English Is Fun textbook and scorching one of the slower freshmen nearby. There was a sound like tearing rubber as¸ in the corner¸ Vilar Monstered Out to his full thirteen feet-two and began throwing desks around. Cano started to shapechange¸ but a stray bolt from a Boy/Girl gun turned him into a cute blonde Cannette. Rami cringed behind her desk¸ her saucer-sized eyes wide with mindless terror (actually¸ everything about Rami was mindless)¸ the tip of her long fluffy tail stuffed in her mouth. "What do we do now?" she wailed at Tommy. "No problem¸" said Kev¸ pulling the pin on his Weird Science 101 project and lofting it casually toward the Dwarves. There was a thunderous paisley explosion and the room was suddenly filled with hot buttered popcorn .... Welcome to the world of Teenagers From Outer Space: the amazingly weird roleplaying game that lets you become a character in your very own (or even somebody else"s) Japanese Animation Comedy Show! Complete with everything you"ll need to create Silly Superpowers¸ Gonzo Gadgets¸ Bikini Battlesuits¸ Mecha Mayhem¸ Magical Girlfriends and the ever popular sex-changing Boy/Girl Gun¸ this new edition of the original award winning game is guaranteed to change the way you look at anime (and roleplaying) forever! We"re happy to announce that a brand new edition of our classic roleplaying game of adrenal¸ adolescent¸ anime adventure is in the works. Voted Best Roleplaying Game of 1987¸ the new edition of TFOS is out just in time for its 10th anniversary. Don"t miss it!