
A post-magical-apocalypse fantasy game set on an original fantasy world. Powerful pre-disaster magic can be found¸ while there is also the menace of barbaric sub-men. There are no elves or dwarves (a tag line for the game). Character creation is by picking from a large set of templates. Action resolution is similar to D&D. cf. theofficial website. - A description from https://darkshire.net/jhkim/rpg/encyclopedia/ with kind permission of John H. Kim
Talislanta... is indeed a beautiful job and reflects vast amounts of thought¸ conceptual talent¸ and loving care.' -Jack Vance¸ Author of TALES OF THE DYING EARTH. 'It's as if H.P. Lovecraft had written Alice in Wonderland with Hans Christian Anderson and William S. Burroughs... for the adventurous¸ Talislanta is roleplaying nirvana.' -Rick Swan¸ THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO ROLEPLAYING GAMES. 'The world of Talislanta combines a unique setting with an easy to use and flexible game... simply lose yourself in hours of enjoyable roleplaying exploring Talislanta's myriad cultures.' -Jim Bambra¸ DRAGON MAGAZINE. Extensive World Setting Updated Rules System Still No Elves. Imagine a world beyond the realm of traditional fantasy roleplaying-a world of strange and exotic cultures¸ fantastic flora & fauna¸ ancient magics¸ and lost civilizations. Talislanta is a world unlike any other.