Star Trek Roleplaying Game EnglischEnglish 1999 Decipher Games FASA Corporation Last Unicorn Games Christian Scott Moore Kenneth Hite Ross Isaacs Steven S. Long Rezension vorhandenReview Available 🔗 DescriptionDescription The companion game toStar Trek:TNGwhich covers the original TV series. It uses the same system¸ with altered background and character templates. - A description fromdarkshire.netwith kind permission of John H. Kim MaterialStuff Zeige alle Produkte / Show all Products Reduziere auf deutschsprachige Produkte / Reduce to products in German language RegelnRules Star Trek - The Role Playing Game (2e) (Grundregeln) (Box) (1985) (FASA Corporation) Star Trek Roleplaying Game (Grundregeln) (1999) Star Trek Roleplaying Game (Grundregeln) (Buch) Star Trek Roleplaying Game Player's Guide (Grundregeln) (Hardcover) (2002) (Decipher Games) (oop) Star Trek Roleplaying Game: Core Game Book (Grundregeln) (Hardcover) (1999) (Last Unicorn Games) QuellenmaterialSource Materials Aliens (Star Trek) (Quellenmaterial) (Hardcover) (2003) (Decipher Games) Klingon D-7 Class Battle Cruiser: 15mm Deck Plans (Quellenmaterial) (Box) (1983) (FASA Corporation) Ship Construction Manual (2e) (Quellenmaterial) (Heft) (1985) (FASA Corporation) Starships (Quellenmaterial) (Hardcover) (2003) (Decipher Games) (oop) Strider Incident / Regula-1 - Orbital Station Deck Plans (2-book set) (Quellenmaterial) (Heft) (1987) (FASA Corporation) Strider Incident / Regula-1 - Orbital Station Deck Plans (Star Trek RPG 2-book set) (Quellenmaterial) (Heft) (1987) (FASA Corporation) The Federation: A Handbook of Information on the United Federation of Planets (Quellenmaterial) (Softcover) (1986) (FASA Corporation) The Klingons & The Natural Order [2 booklet set] (Quellenmaterial) (1983) (FASA Corporation) The Klingons: a Sourcebook and Character Generation Supplement (1e) (Quellenmaterial) (Box) (1983) (FASA Corporation) The Romulan Way: Game Operations Manual (Quellenmaterial) (Heft) (1984) (FASA Corporation) U.S.S. Enterprise Deck Plans (Star Trek: The Role Playing Game) (Quellenmaterial) (Box) (1983) (FASA Corporation) AbenteuerAdventures Demand of Honor (Abenteuer) (Heft) (1984) (FASA Corporation) Termination: 1456 (Abenteuer) (Heft) (1984) (FASA Corporation) The Dixie Gambit (Abenteuer) (Heft) (1986) (FASA Corporation) The Outcasts (Abenteuer) (Heft) (1985) (FASA Corporation) The Romulan War (Abenteuer) (Heft) (1986) (FASA Corporation) Where Has All the Glory Gone? (Abenteuer) (Heft¸ Softcover) (1985) (FASA Corporation) (oop) SonstigesOther Spacelanes: Magazine of Interstellar Trade (Magazin) (Softcover) (1987) (FASA Corporation) Zeige alle Produkte / Show all Products Reduziere auf deutschsprachige Produkte / Reduce to products in German language Web Links Tanelorn-Forum Im Tanelorn-Forum könnt ihr all Euere Fragen einem fachkundigen Publikum stellen. Egal ob ihr mehr zu einem Produkt wissen wollt¸ einen Ratschlag zum Spielen sucht... oder geben wollt. Hier seid ihr herzlich willkommen!