A humorous horror-parody RPG where the player characters are all zombies¸ who one day simply woke up dead with a craving for brains. It is played in one of three modes: Fast Food Zombie Fun¸ I Want My Life Back¸ and Feeding Frenzy. It uses a simple dice pool system called LAFFS¸ for Light¸ Adaptable¸ Fast¸ Flexible. Each character has six stats: Lurch¸ Flail¸ Clutch¸ Brawn¸ Chuck¸ and Sense. Resolution is based on rolling a number of d6s equal to stat¸ where each die over the difficulty is a success. Players can modify their own or others' rolls by spending LAFF points¸ earned by making the GM laugh. Zombie characters generally lose 1 hit point per day unless they eat human brains. The basic game also includes overviews of 6 agencies and organizations that oppose or aid (!) zombies. - A description fromdarkshire.netwith kind permission of John H. Kim