Light-RegelwerkScared Stiff: The B-Movie Horror RPG! B-Movies¸ so nennt man die abgeschmackten Film-Billigproduktionen¸ die die Fernsehsender meist zu nächtlichen Stunden zeigen. Diese Filme (meistens Horror-Genre) sind meistens sooo schlecht¸ daß sie schon wieder witzig sind. Und genau dieses 'Genre' greift 'Scared Stiff' von GPA-Press auf - übrigens nicht das erste Rollenspiel seiner Art. Für den Spielleiter gilt die Aufgabe jeden Spielabend möglichst ernsthaft zu beginnen und langsam zu einem kopflosen Fiasko zu steigern - aber es soll ja auch echt gelungene B-Movies geben... Scared Stiff soll im Januar als 128seitiges farbiges Softcover ($18 ca. 45 DM) erscheinen.
A humorous RPG about B-movie Horror films. The PCs (known as ""Victims of Circumstance"" or VCs) are rated in Flaws rather than attributes¸ so that rather than Strength and Dexterity they are rated in Weakness¸ Clumsiness¸ and Ignorance (Primary) as well as Cowardice¸ Paranoia and Superstition (Secondary). Action resolution is either dice-using or diceless. Dice rolling is to roll over your modified Flaw rating on 2d6 to succeeed. This is intended as the first of several B-movies backgrounds using the ""RPG-13"" B-Movie game system. - A description from with kind permission of John H. KimB-Movie: Attack of the Demo! Extremely funny¸ very well done game¸ also a PBEM¸ and will see print in late 1999. [Thx to] A parody of both horror movies and horror RPGs¸ this uses simple attributes and 'stereotype' classes. As an interesting inverse¸ character have stats for flaws instead of abilities. Thus¸ your stats are Weakness¸ Clumsiness¸ Ignorance¸ Cowardice¸ Paranoia and Belief. (instead of Strength¸ Dexterity¸ etc.) ~44 pages HTML.