PROLES - Dysangelium - Indecent Proletarian Sci-Fi Roleplaying Game

It does not matter if the circumstances of the game are physically¸ biologically or historically probable¸ as long as they are somehow logically possible. Proles use mostly D6 and D20. In addition¸ D100 is sometimes required.
(Translators remark:Warning!This game is extremely Satanic¸ vulgarly chauvinistic¸ lewdly obscene¸ atrociously violent¸ ardently Nazist and anti-Semitic and contains extremely distasteful satirical depictions of historical persons living or supposedly dead. It may offend the strongest sensibilities and confound the most steadfast mind. What follows is a bunch of very distasteful¸ mind-twisting rubbish and cruel jokes about public personages and humanity in general. If it feels very funny¸ you may need to seek professional help. Knowing this and being ready to read a text whose meaning is to ridicule¸ offend and slander simply everything and everyone in or out of existence¸ you may proceed further. If you are offended by the following content¸ write us a letter. I'm sure we'll find it extremely hilarious.)