Og: The Role-Playing Game

A humorous beer-and-pretzels mini-RPG about cavemen vs dinosaurs. Players choose 1 of 5 types of cavemen: strong caveman¸ smart caveman¸ fast caveman¸ hitting caveman¸ or healthy caveman. The twist is that players are limited to a 17 word vocabulary at all times: you¸ me¸ rock¸ water¸ fire¸ tree¸ hair¸ bang¸ sleep¸ smelly¸ small¸ cave¸ food¸ thing¸ big¸ sun¸ and go. - A description fromdarkshire.netwith kind permission of John H. Kim The Land of OG portrays the world of prehistoric cavemen the way it's presented in the movies. Pteranodons ('Big Sun Things')¸ Mammoths ('Big Hairies') and T-Rexes ('Big Big Smelly Bang Things') terrorize our primitive ancestors in a world of homey caves¸ pet dinosaurs¸ and prehistoric tools. 'It's the prehistoric era the way it should have been¸' say Aldo Ghiozzi¸ President of Wingnut Games. 'It's more fun then you can shake a club at.'