Mean Streets - The RPG of Classic Film Noir

Inspired by the glamorous police and detective series of the "70s and "80s¸ Mean Streets and Mean Villains is designed to allow you to run games in a similar vein: not large campaigns¸ but small¸ one-off games as a way of injecting a little light humour between your normal gaming sessions¸ or when half your players don"t turn up. Episode or Adventures are targetted at one¸ two¸ or (very occasionally) three or more players. It"s not a game that requires a lot of preparation or planning in advance. All you need to play this game is paper and a pen¸ a few six-sided dice¸ an imagination¸ and a feel for the genre. [Thx to]
An RPG system for police and detective television series of the 70's and early 80's where coolness and style were everything. It uses a simple cinematic system of rolling 1d6 under attribute or skill. Shootouts may result in damage to one's 'Cool' attribute¸ possibly forcing you to run away¸ but cannot actually cause damage. 31 pages HTML¸ Word¸ or PDF.
Explore the best and bleakest aspects of film noir in this roleplaying game that draws on classic films of the Forties for inspiration. Chase down missing persons and investigate murders with the grittiness and cynicism of film noir. Portray private detectives¸ femmes fatales¸ desperate district attorneys¸ con-artists¸ government agents¸ reporters¸ and other classic staples of the genre.