A mythic fantasy RPG ostensibly drawing from 4000 B.C. to 1000 A.D. Earth legends. The game mixes many elements from this wide period. Character nationality and class are determined randomly¸ so a party might have an African witch-docter¸ a Greek sybil¸ and an Oriental shaman. It uses a class-based percentile system¸ where you roll and add stat to beat 100. The basic game includes a starting adventure set in a gladiator school. - A description fromdarkshire.netwith kind permission of John H. Kim1982¸ Presentation -Boxed set of 3 books¸ dice¸ character sheets¸ adventure¸ maps. Antique Fantasy RPG. Basic rules can be learned from the 1st book with the training of a roman gladiator through different games-arena¸ labyrinth... Advanced rules introduce reincarnation (your PC reincarnate anew after each adventure¸ building up your past) and new character classes (from Visigoth barbarian to Greek philosopher).Lost RPG Treasures