A popular Hungarian-language fantasy RPG¸ based on a series of popular fantasy novels by various authors. It is set on the world of Ynev¸ that closely resembles Renaissance Europe¸ full of political intrigue. The PCs are adventurers¸ often dragged into political schemes by corrupt local officials by money¸ blackmail¸ or other means -- influenced by cyberpunk genre tropes as much as traditional fantasy. The world is dominated by humans¸ but is also inhabited by aquirs -- a powerful¸ dying race of demon-like entities. The 1st and 2nd edition use a system similar toAD&D¸ including ability cores¸ races¸ and classes. Distinctive elements include new classes such as knights¸ headhunters¸ martial artists¸ and gladiators. There are six different magic systems¸ including the black magic of warlocks¸ the seduction of witches¸ and the mosaic-magic of wizards who assemble their spells from smaller components. There are also three schools of psionics available to all classes. The original system includes two-level skills (basic and master levels)¸ but there is no general resolution system for these. The combat system uses percentile rolls¸ and includes critical hits and armor that reduces damage. The 2nd and 3rd editions add various options. The 4th edition provides complicated point-buy character generation options and a detailed five-stage skill system¸ but still no general task resolution. The 5th edition is based on the D20 System from 3rd editionD&D. Characters start out in a base class (warrior¸ rogue¸ novice and aristocrat) and enter regular adventurer classes on 4th level. The 6th edition reverted to the original percentile system. Characters creation uses skill and background options in a point buy system¸ but the traditional classes are also present in the form of premade packages. - A description fromdarkshire.netwith kind permission of John H. Kim