
A fantasy/horror RPG set in Hell -- with characters ranging from a priest hunting through Hell for souls wrongly imprisoned to a vile necromancer to a Hellspawn. Action resolution is roll under stat on 1d20. Character creation is by choosing race (mortal¸ shade¸ hellspawn¸ or imp); randomly rolling attributes with modifications for race; choosing a class (priest¸ layman¸ or necromancer for mortals and shades; demon for hellspawn and imps); and finally determining skills by a mix of class and point-spending. Class also determines faith status: Faithful¸ Doubtful¸ or Infernal. The game includes two types of magic: divine (for priests) and sorcery (for necromancers). - A description from with kind permission of John H. Kim
Set in a world loosely based on the Catholic idea of Hell. Classes include Priests and Laymen (Warriors¸ Archers¸ Thieves¸ Scholars)¸ Necromancers¸ and Demons (Hellspawns and Imps). ~ 130 pages.