A superhero RPG using a simple original system. There is no setting although there are sample characters. Action resolution is based on attribute + 1d6 - 1d6 (adding a positive and subtracting a negative die) compared to difficulty. Only the player rolls to resolve contests. Character creation is random-roll including origin¸ attributes¸ the number and type of powers¸ and specializations. The attributes are Prowess¸ Coordination¸ Strength¸ Intellect¸ Awareness¸ and Willpower. There are over 70 powers in the core rules. In addition¸ characters and the team of player characters create freeform positive Qualities (such as Secret Identity¸ Connections¸ or Motivation) and negative Challenges (such as a Fear or Vulnerability). Characters can spend Determination Points to gain advantages through Qualities¸ and gain Determination Points by invoking Challenges. Advantages can make small changes to the world¸ boost die rolls¸ recover lost Stamina¸ and generate Stunts with your powers. - A description from https://darkshire.net/jhkim/rpg/encyclopedia/ with kind permission of John H. Kim