HOL: Human Occupied Landfill

A blackly comedic sci-fi RPG¸ set on a dismal prison planet. The rulebook is hand-written (!!) and portrays the twisted world of Sodomy Bikers¸ Wastits¸ Jumpslugs¸ and more. The rules are basic attribute + skill + 2d6 vs difficulty¸ with the attributes being Greymatta¸ Feets¸ Nuts¸ Mouth¸ and Meat. - A description from https://darkshire.net/jhkim/rpg/encyclopedia/ with kind permission of John H. Kim Lurking in the waste of a thousand civilizations at the edge of known space¸ it waits. As players rediscovered a classic game¸ it sensed it's need was growing. As people across the land slowly checked for traps up the full featureless length of a 300' stone corridor¸ it realized that it's time drew nigh once again¸ and stirred from it's noisome resting place. HoL is back baby!