Heavy Ordnance

You had always known that School was hell¸ but now-a-days your sure of it. A runaway nuclear reaction in the cafeteria meat loaf had blasted portions of your Elementary School into the nether regions of hell; and all of your teachers have been possessed by brain hungry demons. Now there"s just you¸ the stockpile of armaments from the local National Guard base¸ and two years of DOOM experience between the safety of home¸ and eternal oblivion. Good thing your mother packed you a lunch¸ your going to need it. Heavy Ordnance is a satirical Roleplaying Game where the players play prepubescent school children (none of the characters will be over 13) with large military surplus weaponry. A nasty accident¸ involving some weapons grade plutonium and the cafeteria meat loaf¸ has blasted portions of your hometown into the many levels of hell; and all citizens the elder side of puberty have been turned into brain sucking monsters. Luckily¸ your Elementary School was built next door to the local National Guard base¸ and yourself¸ and the rest of your fifth grade class¸ have armed themselves. Now all you have to do is figure out which end of the bazooka is the business end¸ before the Principle smashes down the door and snacks on your entrails. Heavy Ordnance uses the Reflex Roleplaying System. Character: The first thing you have to do when creating a Heavy Ordnance character¸ is to determine his age. This is important since none of the characters will be over 13. You are free to choose what ever age you wish. Its good to be older¸ "cause your bigger¸ and you can pick on character"s who are smaller than you. But remember: The older your character is¸ the closer to puberty he is; and the close to puberty one is¸ the close to being a brain sucking demon one is. If you plan to use a character for very long¸ A nice comfortable single digit age may be more your style. There are nine attributes in the Reflex System (Well Being¸ Strength¸ Agility¸ Perception¸ Endurance¸ Dexterity¸ Wits¸ Willpower¸ & IQ.) A humorous RPG about well-armed schoolchildren after an apocalypse where a runaway nuclear reaction in the cafeteria has turned teachers into flesh-eating demons. It uses a dice pool system: roll (attribute+skill) d10's¸ where each die over the difficulty is a success. Character creation is by random-roll attributes and point-bought skills. Includes a brief sample adventure. 46 pages PDF¸ HTML¸ or RTF.