Godsend Agenda - Play gods among men in the compelling super-heroic role-playing game
Godsend Agenda' ist der Name des neuen Superhelden-Rollenspiels von Khepera Games (50 DM). Das 200-seitige Softcover enthält neben einem Comic¸ alles was man zum Spielen braucht. Godsend Agenda spielt in einem typischen Comic- Superhelden-Hintergrund¸ der jedoch über zahlreiche Verschwörungen und einen differenzierten Meta-Plot verfügt. [Quelle: rpg.net]
A superhero RPG set in an alternate history where superheroes from another dimension walk among us after accidentally crash-landing on Earth. Some are government agents¸ some are costumed vigilantes¸ and others were considered gods in bygone days. They fight for and against many different factions but all have one goal; to stop the coming apocalypse foretold of many centuries ago. It uses a simple system¸ with action resolution based on 2d6 + attribute + skill vs difficulty. A later edition was published using West End Games' D6 System. - A description from https://darkshire.net/jhkim/rpg/encyclopedia/ with kind permission of John H. Kim The GODSEND Agenda is a story of Super humans who positioned themselves as gods thousands of years ago on earth. About a race of oracles on the islands of Atlantis who foresaw a desolate future dominated by a race so alien they could not completely comprehend what they were. The tale of a human offshoot genetically superior to their cousins¸ but doomed to die fighting to save an Earth that treats them like pariahs. The account of an alien blight that slowly and insidiously conquers the planet. The GODSEND Agenda not only looks at super humans and how they affect the world¸ but also how we worship them now and in times past.