Era do Caos (Age of Chaos)
Realismo fantástico Fantastic realism: Age of Chaos deals with brazilian social problems and has suplements with entities of the brazilian folcklore. With a touch of supernatural. Fantasy-Realität mit einem Hauch Übernatürlichem¸ vermischt die sozialen Probleme Brasiliens mit alten Legenden.Era do Caos (Age of Chaos). Era do Caos¸ livro básico (basic book) Noturnos¸ suplemento sobre mortos-vivos (Nocturnes¸ undeads" suplement) Lendas¸ suplemento sobre lendas brasileiras (Legends¸ brazilian legends" suplement) Caídos¸ suplemento sobre anjos caídos (Fallen¸ fallen angels" suplement) Feiticeiros¸ suplemento sobre magia brasileira (Sorcerers¸ brazilian sorcery suplement). The author are brazilian. They publish RPGs at Brazil. Qualitative/quantitative generic system. Gamers receive points to create their characters. The skill tests are made with 3 d6. Dank an Carlos Klimick