Dzikie Pola / Wild fields / Wilde Felder
A Polish-language historical RPG set in 17th century Poland. The player characters are all noblemen - usually Polish but possibly foreign - who fight various Polish enemies of this period. There were two supplements published: W stepie szerokim (In the wide steppe) and Ogniem i mieczem (With fire and sword). It has complicated rules for sabre-fighting and duels¸ using szablas (a Polish type of a sabre) or rapiers (used mainly by foreigners). The rules for other activities are generally simple. The second edition uses a simple mechanic comparing a 1d20 roll plus attribute¸ skill¸ and modifiers versus a difficulty number. Character creation is point-based¸ with slow advancement and little increase in hit points for a realistic feal. - A description from with kind permission of John H. Kim