Dragon Storm

Dragon Storm is a unique fantasy game in which players role-play shape shifters¸ such as dragons¸ unicorns¸ pegasai¸ werewolves¸ anthropormorphic tigers (tigreans)¸ gargoyles and even orcs. Dragon Storm role-players use cards to keep track of their characters" skills¸ abilities¸ spells and equipment. Characters advance by spending role playing points acquired during adventures to add new shape shifter abilities¸ spells¸ and other skills. Dragon Storm games are like stories; players take the roles of characters in stories and a game master acts as story teller. A game master creates adventures using special cards designed as story elements. She combines terrain¸ scene¸ cast and feature cards to design fantasy scenarios. Dragon Storm is played face to face¸ when a group of players and a game master meet to run a game. A Dragon Storm adventure is a story told by everyone in a game¸ through the interaction of characters (run by players) and cast members (role-played by a game master). Dragon Storm adventures last from one hour to several hours depending on how long a group of players and their game master want it to last. Dragon Storm may be played with one game master and one player¸ but it runs best with 2-4 players and a game master. Dragon Storm game cards feature art by Susan Van Camp¸ Melissa Benson¸ Quinton Hoover¸ Robin Wood¸ Ed Beard¸ Ruth Thompson¸ Ne"Ne Thomas¸ Mark Poole and a host of other accomplished artists. Dank an Susan Van Camp