De Profundis

A modern-day horror RPG designed for play over mail. Originally published in Polish¸ and translated into English. The players write in-character letters to each other¸ describing their progressive exploration of (or victimization by) eldritch nightmare forces. There is no GM; it's up to the players to interlink their stories. It also suggests the option of ""field psychodrama"" -- where the players use elements from their real life in the stories. - A description from with kind permission of John H. Kim De Profundis is a revelation¸ a short sharp shock of a game that will change forever the way you look at roleplaying games - and at reality. Based on the works of H.P. Lovecraft¸ it is a roleplaying game of psychological horror¸ taking the reader to the edge of madness... and beyond. De Profundis combines stunningly original gameplay with writing that could have come straight from the pages of a 1920s horror novel. It is a self-contained¸ complete RPG in 24 pages. It's the first Eastern European RPG ever to be translated into English¸ and it's clear that the rest of the world has been missing out¸ up till now. De Profundis will carry a 'Mature Readers' label. * Builds on the critical acclaim established by the innovative¸ Origins Award nominated New Style line ('Baron Munchausen'¸ 'Violence'). * Stunning¸ specially commissioned cover art by Dennis Detwiller of Pagan Publishing¸ creator of 'Delta Green' and 'Godlike'. * Priced at just $6.95 retail - an impulse buy. * Will appeal to Call of Cthulhu fans and anyone who enjoys horror RPGs