DC Heroes / DC Universe

Another superhero RPG set in the DC comics universe. It uses a variant of the ""D6 Prime"" system (fromHercules & Xena. It is a dice pool system rolling d6's where 3-6 is a success (special dice are provided with red and blue faces for this) plus a special ""wild die"". Character creation is point-based. - A description from https://darkshire.net/jhkim/rpg/encyclopedia/ with kind permission of John H. Kim
They were the finest that Earth had to offer they were THE JUSTICE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL. The ace TV reported Juan Donovan threatened to expose all of the secrets of the Justice League on his popular TV show for the mindless masses. Meanwhile THE INJUSTCE LEAGUE had decided to obtain these secrets and A EPIC one sided confrontation occured at the TV station. MR MIRACLE managed to escape certain death from being tied up inside a crashing helicopter wrapped in monofilament wire¸ by the clever use of bubble gum. Massive carnage ensured whan GUY GARDENER of THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS turned up on the scene and neutralised the COMMIE opposition. However Donovan refused to press charges and had both sides in a live on screen debate. Things looked grim for the JUSTICE LEAGUE because the opposition were so cool and witty¸ however SCARECROW messed it up and the PR expert FLUNKY FLASHMAN was exposed as providing all of the answers to the INJUSTICE LEAGUE.Without the glib answers the INJUSTICE LEAGUE reorted to the language of voilence and in the melee the mostly harmless MARTIAN MANHUNTER knocked GORILLA GROD out into deep space. Things were quiet at JUSTICE LEAGUE HQ until a vast spacecraft threatened the Earth. A skeleton crew takled the problem¸ unfortunatly the alien was after Superman and thing got tough¸ until the greatest GREEN LANTERN GNORT managed to enter the ship through the space cannon barrel (which was still firing) and the FLASH managed to sabotage the transporter tube which meant the alien captain fell to earth. Only the heroic poiloting of GNORT to pilot the vast ship into the ground¸ save the Earth. The JUSTICE LEAGUE had one more fling¸ investigating a hole in Kansas. However SUPERMAN was involved and in an event which our leagal department is still trying to resolve¸ we are not at liberty to divulge what happened. Rumours that SUPERMAN used profane language are utterly and absolutley false and any such accusations will be met with the utmost legal vigour. Also the missing issue has never exsisted and if it did¸ it was without permission from the publishers who uphold familly values. Dank an Betney (webmaster@betney.demon.co.uk)