Cloaks Courts and Gonnes

Cloaks¸ Courts¸ & Gonnes (CC&G) is a compact but complete RPG focusing on the cloak and dagger exploits of war and politics during the early seventeenth century. The system is a straightforward d10 dice pool with built-in degree of success mechanics¸ a random mission generator¸ a common NPC list¸ period-specific equipment¸ faction and vehicle rules¸ and clean and unified task resolution.
CC&G includes a full-color¸ illustrated 14 page PDF¸ and a streamlined¸ 9 page¸ print-at-home friendly black and white edition. The landscape format makes it easy to view on screens of any size¸ and easy to print on standard letter-format paper.
System BriefEach character has sixSkills¸ and every Skill has five sub-skills calledSpecialties. Skills determine how many dice you roll for related actions¸ and Specialties determine the number you need to roll equal to or under in order to succeed. The highest successful die determines your degree of success¸ orEffect.
Characters gain additional differentiation by theirTalents- self-defined and freeform abilities that add dice to relevant rolls¸ and theirForms- certain actions that always start out with one or more automatic successes.Build your agent and begin your career of Thirty Years' War espionage in a matter of minutes.