A fantasy genre game set on an original world¸ Aldea. It is populated by various races including the ancient and mystical Vata¸ the Sea-folk; the Night People; and the Rhydan (psychic intelligent animals). The rules are a standalone system (the ""True20"" system) loosely based on the D20 System used by 3rd editionD&D¸ adding in rules variations fromMutants & Masterminds. There are only three core classes: adept¸ expert¸ and warrior -- and variety instead comes from more and more variety of feats. It also includes a wound track damage system based on a 1d20 roll to resist damage¸ and a new magic system based on feats¸ where spells cost fatigue. The combat system is modified to remove full-round attacks and attacks of opportunity¸ and adding some non-attack options. - A description from https://darkshire.net/jhkim/rpg/encyclopedia/ with kind permission of John H. KimBlue Rose is a roleplaying game of romantic fantasy¸ inspired by novelists like Mercedes Lackey¸ Diane Duane¸ and Tamora Pierce. The game focuses on heroic and good-hearted characters working together to defend the enlightened kingdom of Aldis from harm. Most characters have at least minor psychic powers and some have intelligent magical animals as their devoted allies. Blue Rose has everything players need to get started¸ including complete rules for character creation¸ social interactions¸ reputations and psychic powers. The game also uses the innovative damage mechanic from Green Ronin's hit Mutants & Masterminds RPG. The forthcoming Blue Rose Companion will provide expanded setting information¸ monstrous foes¸ magic items¸ and live action rules.