Augusta Universalis

It's the year 2771 a.U.c. (ab Urbe condita - from the foundation of Rome¸ our 2018 AD)¸ the Empire controls not only the entire Earth but also numerous other worlds¸ both inside and outside our solar system.
War cruisers travel for millions of kilometers using the Limes Orbitalis that artificially curves space-time from the orbit of distant planets.
The new syncretistic philosophy of the Logos has extinguished the religious wars.
A council of Caesars from all over the planet form the Imperial Senate¸ presided by a single Augustus¸ chosen by the previous emperor.
Most of the inhabitants of the Empire live in a utopia of social justice¸ progress¸ and peace.
... what could possibly go wrong ...?
"Milites”¸ to arms! Come together under the banner of the Roman Humanity! Wear your "Tecnolorica”¸ activate your "Systemata”... ready yourself for the impact!In the cold¸ sidereal landscapes¸ something sinister¸ terrifying¸ alien to this universe lurks... but we will defend the Empire from its fearsome enemies¸ or we will die trying!
In Augusta Universalis you play as elite cyborgs called "Praetorians” ¸ wearing exceptionally upgraded and expensive "Systemata” (biomechanical enhancements)¸ who are able to transform themselves in stunning power armor!
You will face extraordinary fights and exploratory "Missiones” on distant and unknown planets.
You will investigate the mysteries of alien civilizations that have disappeared from eons¸ and face the threat of the terrifying "Dark Thrones”¸ nightmarish creatures that bring death and destruction from the outside galaxy. You will defend the Empire¸ both from the political threats that tear it apart from the inside and from the enemies¸ trying to destroy it from the outside.
Are you ready to travel beyond the known stars for the greatest glory of Rome?Augusta Universalisis a Uchronic Role Game of Humanity and Empires beyond the Stars. Published byAcchiappasogni¸ written byMarzio Morganti(setting) andLuca De Marini(game system)¸ and illustrated byFabio PorfidiaandGaetano Carlucci. The project was a success onKickstarterand it has now been translated into English!Augusta Universalisis based on theDark Destiny 2.0 RPGengine¸ like ourThe Nights of Nibiru! A rapid and mechanically playful system¸ but capable of pushing a lot a player's feeling of identification with his Player Character¸ the description of one's actions and the narration.
This is core book of Augusta Universalis. Here are some of the core features you'll find inside this book!
For the Players: