A Spanish-language RPG set in the Spanish middle ages. It was one of the first RPGs published in Spain¸ and has numerous supplements. It uses a percentile skill-based system¸ with a table of costs to raise skills. It has a luck mechanic where you declare that you are using luck before rolling. If you succeed¸ you use 1 luck point. If you fail by less than your luck total¸ you pay enough to succeed. If you fail by more than your luck total you fail. It also has an rationality/irrationality stat. Higher rationality means you are more resistant to magic but less able to use magic. Rationality is reduced by exposure to magic. Character creation for the original edition used random-roll attributes. The third edition simplified combat and added a point-buy character creation method¸ as well as 44 character classes. - A description fromdarkshire.netwith kind permission of John H. Kim