Animundi-Second Nature
Animundi-Second Nature' ist der Name eines neuen Rollenspiels vom Kleinverlag Synister Creative. Das Rollenspiel soll im Sommer 2002 erscheinen.Darwin was wrong! Animals are much smarter than you ever imagined and they are fighting it out to decide our fate! Pick from ten tribes of animals and then decide whether humans should be eaten or not. From fish to monkeys¸ your favorite animal is in this game! Beware; the fact that animals are the superior species is the tip of the iceberg. The fabled flood that Noah tried to save all the animals from was really meant to purge the Far Gone (dinosaurs) from the Earth and well it didn't work. In the deepest parts of the Amazon and other untouched pockets of the Earth they survived and they want to wipe out humans and animals alike. Using the simplified and intuitive Vegas rules system from Last Exodus this is a must have for kids and adults alike! Survival of the fittest takes on new meaning!