gewaltloses Rsp in einer richtigen Fantasywelt¸ auf der es aber kein Metall (Schwerter¸ etc.) und keine Magie gibt.aus dem French RPG-IndexvonStephane "Alias" Gallay
A French-language non-violent fantasy RPG¸ set in a fairly idyllic fantasy world with no metal where humans and animals live in harmony. Technology is largely done through symbiosis with various animals. Inspired by ""La Planete Oubliee"" by M. Leinster. The system is derived fromBitume. There are 10 attributes with point-bought skills. Action resolution is mostly percentile¸ and includes mechanics for social relations and intimidation (since violence is rare). - A description from with kind permission of John H. Kim non-violent fantasy RPG¸ set in a fairly idyllic fantasy world with no metal where humans and animals live in harmony. Technology is largely done through symbiosis with various animals. Inspired by 'La Planete Oubliee' by M. Leinster. The system is derived from Bitume. There are 10 attributes with point-bought skills. Action resolution is mostly percentile¸ and includes mechanics for social relations and intimidation (since violence is rare).