The Anderia of the title is a Kingdom from the previously published 'Dragon Realms of Marakush' being to the North-west of the Eastern half of that continent¸ a land where the feudal forces backed by the Church have built a kingdom¸ though with one¸ conquered section¸ they have established an uneasy rule on the heathen peasants much as the Saxons were ruled by the Normans¸ or potentially how the Pruthenian (Prussian) Slavs were treated by the Teutonic Knights (Hint¸ there haven't been Pruthenian Slavs around for a while). As if the suppression of the natives wasn't enough the ruling class is split into two factions¸ an aggressive expansionist one and a relatively peaceful¸ protective one¸ (the Red and the White Scarves). This last gives you the nature of the Kingdom as the authors obviously intend intrigue and politics to be a major part of the game that can be played in the Kingdom.