All-Adventure Action Roleplay Game!
A small-press universal RPG (AAARG!) with an emphasis on pulp or swashbuckling cinematic action. The rulebook is 54 pages (A4 size) staple-bound¸ and includes a general bestiary¸ NPC archetypes¸ campaign ideas¸ and a simple weapons chart. Action resolution is a d20 roll modified by skill¸ attributes¸ etc. Character creation is cooperative rather than point-based or rolled -- the player and GM simply assign stats based on the role. It has 8 attributes (Brain¸ Muscle¸ Heart¸ Soul¸ Legs¸ Hands¸ Senses¸ and Mouth) rated 1-10¸ along with Skills¸ Passions¸ Hobbies¸ and Interests. - A description fromdarkshire.netwith kind permission of John H. Kim