1948 is an alternate history adventure setting of super science and ancient sorcery. In 1948 no atomic bombs have been developed yet¸ though dozens of other "wonder weapons" have been invented including huge super-tanks that weigh over 1¸000 tons¸ ray guns¸ jet packs¸ flying platforms¸ and genetic mutations. There are extra-dimensional aliens¸ demons¸ and monsters involved on both sides of the war. Voodoo mystics¸ occultists¸ holy knights¸ psychic spies¸ arcane scholars and dozens of other special agents clash as governments on both sides of the conflict hunt down every advantage they can find. The Axis powers have used these new weapons to turn the tide of the war against the Allies. In response¸ the Allies have developed their own wonder weapons¸ causing the battle fronts in Europe and Asia to shift back and forth. New Nazi jets are bombing American cities and Japanese bioengineers have created unthinkable monstrous horrors that terrorize whole navel fleets in the Pacific. An ancient race of Nagas from inside the Earth has taken an interest in the war as have revolting aliens from Sirius Minor. In the center of it all are the Templar Knights and a race of demons spawned 1¸600 years ago. Behind the scenes dozens of secret societies pull the strings like puppeteers. The Illumanati¸ the Priory of Sion¸ the Freemasons¸ the Skull and Bones Society¸ the Black Dragon Society¸ the Golden Dawn and many others pursue their own sinister goals as the world is ripped apart!