Zenith Solo
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Zenith Solo Solo Roleplaying Supplement for Coriolis Culture is Everything... The cultural background of Coriolis is the unique element that makes Coriolis stand out amongst the plethora of science fiction RPGs and the legion that point to Firefly as an inspiration. It is an excellent companion to quickstart your way into Coriolis.
The inspiration prompts¸ used for setting up scenes and answering open-ended questions use words and ideas curated directly from the Coriolis Third Horizon rules¸ and drill down to details such as items of clothing and specific items¸ objects¸ and locations from the setting.
The yes-no oracle uses the normal Zero Engine dice pool rules¸ with successes equating to yes answers¸ and the more yeses that you roll the more emphatic the answer becomes.
Guidelines are including for spending Darkness points as there is no GM to control when these are used against you.
DriveThruRPG does not support Community Copies. The entire text of this supplement is viewable in the Full-size preview. If you cannot afford the cover price¸ please feel free to use the preview with my full blessing.
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