The Hierarchy (1e)
The Empire of the Dead...
The system. The establishment. The powers that be. Management. Since its inception¸ the Hierarchy has fostered an image of strength and invulnerability¸ power and omniscience. these are the masks through which the Hierarchy looks out upon the Underworld. These are the mirrors that reflect the faces of those who stand on the outside¸ looking in.
The Keepers of the Dream!
The Hierarchy exposes the bureaucracy of the Underworld¸ exploring the organization that is a character's greatest ally or worst enemy¸ depending upon which side of the law she stands on. A must for anyone who wants to see the truth behind the masks.
The Hierarchy is a sourcebook for Wraith: The Oblivion¸ and includes:
- New information on the rich culture of the Underworld
- A glimpse inside the Great Library of Stygia
- Legendary Hierarchs¸ character templates¸ and much more!
Note: Due to the fact that this is a scanned book¸ some quality has been lost in the compression.
The system. The establishment. The powers that be. Management. Since its inception¸ the Hierarchy has fostered an image of strength and invulnerability¸ power and omniscience. These are the masks through which the Hierarchy looks out upon the Underworld. These are the mirrors that reflect the faces of those who stand on the outside¸ looking in.
"The Hierarchy exposes the bureaucracy of the Underworld¸ exploring the organization that is a character's greatest ally or worst enemy¸ depending on which side of the law she stands on. A must for anyone who wants to see the truth behind the masks.