Children of Gaia: Trinkets
COG: Trinkets (Digital.PDF) Written by Lynsey G. illustrated by Eldkrind. "The children of the Keetsunekesh of Sylvanakaia know nothing of the war that rages far beyond their lands¸ its causes or the desperation it spreads. For these kits¸ simply coming to grips with themselves¸ and getting along with one another¸ is enough of a challenge." "COG: Trinkets" was originally published as part of Oneshi Press Anthology #09 ¸ and may be featured in future COG collected works. In the wake of the Great Nations' demise¸ Rendaraia is ravaged by war. Marauding Terran armies spread throughout the lands¸ driven to conquest by the rapacious demands of their politically divided home. "Children of Gaia: Trinkets" takes us to a far-off region known as Sylvanakaia. Here¸ the people can feel desperation rising-the ripple-out effect of a distant war. In Sylvanakaia¸ intertribal conflict has been a time-honored tradition. The Keetsunekesh have always proven themselves by stealing corrateradda calves¸ tools¸ and even trinkets from Maezterrakesh farmers¸ who in turn have paid the Honeshukesh to keep the sneak thieves at bay. This system has kept Sylvvanakaia in harmonious balance for generations. But now¸ that balance is threatened. As trade with the outside world dwindles¸ belts tighten and fear rises. The region's growing desolation adds blood to these customary skirmishes as they shift from harassment¸ to outright violence. The children of the Keetsunekesh of Sylvanakaia know nothing of the war that rages far beyond their lands¸ its causes or the desperation it spreads. For these kits¸ simply coming to grips with themselves¸ and getting along with one another¸ is enough of a challenge. Children of Gaia is a vast universe; the backdrop for an epic¸ ongoing story told across multiple media. Works in progress include art books¸ dime store novels¸ comics¸ and many others.