Awash in New Blood
Blood Hunter Orders The Orders presented in Awash in New Blood offer new and exciting options for your Blood Hunter to chose from. These options have been optimized to function with the Blood Hunter (2020) by Matthew Mercer available at DMsGuild and require the use of that document. Awash in New Blood includes: Order of the Dark Draught: By conquering the curse of vampirism¸ the blood hunter gains all of their strengths¸ few of their weaknesses. Order of the Ironbound: These hell-diving blood hunters derive their power from the souls of the damned. Order of the Scarred: Through ongoing manipulation and study of the Hunter's Bane¸ these masochists are able to unlock great power at the price fo great pain. Renunciate of the Profane Soul: This option details what happens when the Profane Soul blood hunter pushes their Otherworldly Patron too far¸ severing their pact. Extended Patrons: Details for applying the Otherworldly Patrons intoduces in Strange Patronage to blood hunters of the Order of the Profane Soul. Each Blood Hunter Order included within these pages has been updated and brought in full compatibility with the Blood Hunter (2020) and is intended for use with such. The previous releases of these Orders shall be considered complete and compatible only with the older Blood Hunter class. This purchase includes an image-free version of the InDesign File to allow easy access to community content creators to the text and basic layout of the document. MORE FROM TRAVIS LEGGE: Scarred Lands 5e / Slarecian Vault Realms of Pugmire / Canis Minor Storypath Nexus Storytellers Vault Aegis Studios DMs Guild : DriveThruRPG : Storyteller's Vault