The Rage - Forsaken Players Guide (1e)
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Die entfesselte wilde Wut Die Verlassenen wurden von ihren Feinden an die Wand gestoßen. Jetzt drängen sie zurück. Die Stämme teilen ihre tödlichsten Geheimnisse miteinander. Ihre Rudel lehren sich gegenseitig die Geheimnisse des ersten und härtesten Schlages. Auf der ganzen Welt fordern die Verlassenen zurück¸ was ihnen gehört. Wirst du dich ihnen anschließen? Ein Charakterbuch für Werwolf: The Forsaken
- Ein tiefer Einblick in die Stämme und Stammlosen der Verlassenen¸ von ihrer Geschichte und Traditionen bis hin zu ihren Kriegswaffen
- Zahlreiche neue Optionen für die Charakterentwicklung¸ von neuen Verdiensten und Geschenken bis hin zu einer detaillierteren Erklärung von Harmonie und Rudeltaktiken
- Informationen zum Spielen der Forsaken in größerem Maßstab¸ von Rudelallianzen bis hin zu Details zur Kultur und Anliegen der Forsaken auf der ganzen Welt
The Savage Fury Unleashed The Forsaken have been pushed to the wall by their enemies. Now they push back. The tribes share their deadliest secrets with one another. Their packs teach one another the secrets of striking first and hardest. Around the world¸ the Forsaken reclaim what is theirs. Will you join them? A Character Book for Werewolf: The Forsaken™ • An in-depth look at the tribes and tribe-less of the Forsaken¸ from their history and traditions to their weapons of war • Numerous new options for character development¸ from new Merits and Gifts to a more detailed explanation of Harmony and pack tactics • Information on playing the Forsaken at a larger scale¸ from pack alliances to details on Forsaken culture and concerns around the world The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide is a 220 page supplement for the World of Darkness game Werewolf: The Forsaken. Note: The Black & White print editions of this book are not full-bleed. Because of printing requirements there is a small white border around the edge of the pages.
The Savage Fury Unleashed The Forsaken have been pushed to the wall by their enemies. Now they push back. The tribes share their deadliest secrets with one another. Their packs teach one another the secrets of striking first and hardest. Around the world¸ the Forsaken reclaim what is theirs. Will you join them?A Character Book for Werewolf: The Forsaken™• An in-depth look at the tribes and tribe-less of the Forsaken¸ from their history and traditions to their weapons of war• Numerous new options for character development¸ from new Merits and Gifts to a more detailed explanation of Harmony and pack tactics• Information on playing the Forsaken at a larger scale¸ from pack alliances to details on Forsaken culture and concerns around the worldThe Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide is a 220 page hardcover supplement for the World of Darkness game Werewolf: The Forsaken.
The Forsaken have been pushed to the wall by their enemies. Now they push back. The tribes share their deadliest secrets with one another. Their packs teach one another the secrets of striking first and hardest. Around the world¸ the Forsaken reclaim what is theirs. Will you join them?