Werewolf Chronicles 2
The Wyrm is upon Us Werewolf legends reach back to the Golden Age of Gaia. Garou still gather around the campfire today¸ even as tribe fights tribe and the Wyrm slowly devours the world. Now you can relive some of the greatest Garou legends with Werewolf Chronicles Volume 2 ¸ a compilation of the first Werewolf stories ever told. This is a Good Day to Die Werewolf Chronicles Volume 2 combines the original Werewolf manifestos against the Wyrm and the corruption of humanity¸ Ways of the Wolf and Monkeywrench! Pentex. Now they're under one all-new cover. These classics have been out of print for years and can't be found anywhere else. Werewolf Chronicles Volume 2 Features: Two classic Werewolf sourcebooks: Ways of the Wolf and Monkeywrench! Pentex ¸ two of the books that established the world of Werewolf; Information on how to play primal lupus Garou¸ the truly feral among werewolves; Details on how to strike back at Pentex¸ the modern embodiment of the Wyrm. Take the fight to the enemy's door.
Werewolf Chronicles Volume 2 combines the original Werewolf manifestos against the Wyrm and the corruption of humanity¸ Ways of the Wolf and Monkeywrench! Pentex. Now they"re under one all-new cover. These classics have been out of print for years and can"t be found anywhere else. Werewolf Chronicles Volume 2 Features: Two classic Werewolf sourcebooks: Ways of the Wolf and Monkeywrench! Pentex¸ two of the books that established the world of Werewolf; Information on how to play lupus Garou¸ the truly feral among werewolves; Details on how to strike back at Pentex¸ the modern embodiment of the Wyrm. Take the fight to the enemy"s door.