Civic Pathos: Spirits of Politics
Politically Motivated
In the world of Werewolf the Forsaken¸ each object¸ idea or place has the potential to birth a particular spirit. Being creatures of rank and status¸ all spirits have an innate affinity towards politics and hierarchy. Where strong philosophies hold sway¸ the minds of mortals can create the rarest and most difficult of spirits encountered by a werewolf: conceptuals.
Civic Pathos: Spirits of Politics is a supplement that presents political spirits that are conceptuals¸ those being formed largely around mortals but also those which may form in especially social and politically aware packs with a passion towards a particular governing ideology. Most are Conceptual spirits¸ and all offer a way to antagonize a pack whose political outlook leans heavy in one direction or the other.
Civic Pathos includes:
• Six new spirits for Werewolf the Forsaken including the Anarchist¸ Corporatist and Socialist
• Four new numens for these or any Werewolf spirits